Privacy Policy
Home »Momentum Collective is committed to protecting and upholding the right to privacy of, staff, volunteers, Board members and other stakeholders. In particular, Momentum Collective conforms to the Federal Privacy Act (1988) and the Australian Privacy principles in protecting the rights of staff, volunteers, Board members and other stakeholders to privacy in the way personal information is collected, stored and used. This applies to all hard copy and electronic records containing personal information, and to discussions of a personal nature.
The Organisation will:
- Meet legal and ethical obligations as an employer in relation to protecting the
privacy of staff, Board members, volunteers and other stakeholders - Staff, Board members, volunteers and other stakeholders are provided with
privacy when they are being interviewed or discussing matters of a personal
or sensitive nature - All staff, Board members and volunteers understand what is required to meet
these obligations - The Organisation’s privacy policy is accessible and provided in the format
requested, where reasonable.
Momentum Collective require Board members, staff, volunteers and contractors to respect and maintain the confidentiality of the organisation’s business, along with the
confidentiality of stakeholders whether individuals, organisations, businesses or government agencies.
Momentum Collective will maintain accurate and secure records on Board members, staff, casual employees and volunteers, for internal administration and human resource management purposes. These records will be made available only to authorised officers, the employee (unless exemptions apply), and as required by law.
Our Privacy structure Customer Privacy Officer. Deals with requests regarding all customer information, including complaints, FOI the management of customer information within the approved customer systems. Also deals with tenancy information from our Community Service properties and Homeless information from applicable requests. Third Sector Australia Risk & Compliance Manager PO Box 793 Coolangatta, NSW 2485 T: 1300 900 091 E: [email protected]